Flash Chess 3D (With Movement Help)
Chesskid.com - The Magic of Chess




Pawns move forward one square at a time, but on their first move can move two squares.

Pawns may capture other pieces that are to their left or right front, but not straight ahead.

Knights Knights move in an L shape a total of 3 squares, and unlike any other chess piece can jump over other pieces.
Bishops Bishops move on diagonals any number of squares.
Rooks Rooks move in straight lines any number of squares.
Queens The queen can move in a straight line or a diagonal any number of squares.
Kings The king can move in any direction one square at a time.

Take your opponent's pieces by taking control of the square that their piece is on.

  • Pawns may capture other pieces that are to their left or right front, but not straight ahead.
  • If a pawn reaches the far side of the board it may be promoted to queen, rook, bishop, or knight.
  • All other pieces attack by their movement patterns.

To Castle: If the sqaures between the king and either rook are empty and no square is threatened, and neither the king nor the rook have moved, then the king can castle by moving two sqaures towards the rook . The rook moves to the square opposite the king.